What are Source Data Entry Devices? Explain with Examples

 Source Data Entry Devices

Source data entry devices are tools or devices that are used to input data into computer systems or electronic devices. The goal of source data entry devices is to make the data entry process faster, more accurate, and more efficient. With the use of these devices, manual data entry is eliminated, and the chances of data entry errors are minimized.

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Types of Source Data Entry Devices:

There are several types of source data entry devices that are used in different settings. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common source data entry devices and their functions.


The keyboard is the most commonly used source data entry device in the world. It is used to input text, numbers, and other characters into computer systems. There are various types of keyboards, including standard keyboards, ergonomic keyboards, and virtual keyboards. Standard keyboards have been around for decades and have the QWERTY layout that is still widely used today.


The mouse is another widely used source data entry device that is used to control the cursor on a computer screen. It is used to select, drag, and drop objects on the screen, as well as to navigate through menus and other options. A mouse can be connected to a computer through a wired or wireless connection.

Barcode Scanner:

A barcode scanner is a device that reads barcodes and inputs the information into a computer system. It is used to scan the barcode on a product, which contains information such as the product name, manufacturer, and price. Barcode scanners are commonly used in retail stores and warehouses.

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A touchscreen is a device that allows users to interact with a computer system by touching the screen. It is commonly used in mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, as well as in point-of-sale systems and kiosks. Touchscreens can be used to input text, select options, and perform other actions.

Optical character recognition (OCR):

OCR is a technology that is used to scan and recognize text characters from printed or handwritten documents. OCR devices are commonly used in industries such as healthcare and finance, where large amounts of paper documents need to be digitized.


A microphone is a device that is used to input audio into a computer system. It is commonly used for voice recognition and recording, as well as for video conferencing and other communication applications.

Source | Pexels - Pixabay


A scanner is a device that is used to scan images and documents into a computer system. It is commonly used to digitize paper documents, such as invoices, receipts, and contracts. Scanners come in various types, including flatbed scanners, sheet-fed scanners, and handheld scanners.

Digital camera:

A digital camera is a device that is used to capture images and videos. It is commonly used in industries such as journalism, advertising, and social media, where high-quality images are required. Digital cameras can be connected to a computer through a USB cable or a wireless connection.

In conclusion, source data entry devices are essential tools that are used to input data into computer systems and electronic devices. They make the data entry process faster, more accurate, and more efficient. The choice of a particular source data entry device depends on the requirements of the specific application, the type of data that needs to be entered, and the preferences of the user.


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