What is Plotter? How it Works? Types of Plotters


A plotter is a computer output device that is used to produce high-quality, large-format graphics and images. Unlike a printer, which prints text and images onto paper using ink or toner, a plotter uses one or more pens to draw lines on a surface using a continuous process.

Plotters are commonly used in engineering, architecture, and design applications to produce technical drawings, blueprints, and other graphical output. They are capable of producing precise, high-resolution images on a variety of media, including paper, vellum, mylar, and other materials.

Plotters come in different sizes, from small desktop units to large format machines that can be several feet in size. Some plotters are designed to work with specific software applications, while others are more versatile and can work with a variety of programs.

Source | Pexels - Pixabay

Types of Plotters:

There are some types of plotters, including:

Pen plotters: These are the most common type of plotters and use one or more pens to draw lines on paper or other materials. The pens can be changed to draw in different colors and line widths.

Flatbed plotters: These plotters have a flat surface on which the material to be printed is placed. The print head moves across the surface, printing the design as it goes.

Drum plotters: These plotters have a drum-shaped surface that rotates as the print head moves across it. This allows for very precise and continuous printing.

Inkjet plotters: These plotters use inkjet technology to print images onto paper or other materials. They are capable of producing high-quality color prints, but are not as precise as pen or drum plotters.

Laser plotters: These plotters use laser technology to print images onto paper or other materials. They are typically faster and more precise than inkjet plotters, but are not as good at producing color prints.

3D plotters: These plotters are capable of producing three-dimensional objects by layering material on top of each other. They are commonly used in prototyping and manufacturing applications.

How Plotters Work?

Plotters work by using one or more pens to draw lines on a surface. The exact mechanism of how plotters work can vary depending on the type of plotter being used, but the basic process is generally the same. The user creates a design or image using a computer software program. The design is sent to the plotter through a communication interface, such as a USB cable, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi. The plotter receives the instructions and begins the printing process.

For pen plotters, the pen is moved across the surface of the paper or other material by a series of motors and belts. The pen is lowered onto the surface to draw a line, and then raised again to move to the next position. The pen can be moved in any direction, allowing for precise drawings and designs.

For flatbed plotters, the material to be printed is placed on a flat surface, and the print head moves across the surface, printing the design as it goes. The print head can be moved in any direction, allowing for precise printing.

For drum plotters, the material to be printed is wrapped around a rotating drum. The print head moves back and forth across the surface of the drum, printing the design as it goes. The rotation of the drum allows for continuous printing without having to stop and start the printing process.

For inkjet and laser plotters, the design is printed onto the surface using either ink or toner. The ink or toner is sprayed onto the surface using a print head, which moves back and forth across the surface. The print head can be moved in any direction, allowing for precise printing.

Source | Pexels - Pixabay

Pros & Cons of Plotters:

Like any technology, plotters have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of using plotters:


High-quality output: Plotters are designed to produce high-quality, precise output, making them ideal for applications where accuracy and detail are important.

Large format: Plotters are capable of printing on large sheets of paper or other materials, making them ideal for producing large-scale designs and drawings.

Versatility: Plotters can be used to print on a variety of materials, including paper, vellum, mylar, and other materials, making them useful in a variety of industries.

Durability: Plotters are designed to be durable and long-lasting, making them a good investment for businesses that need to produce high-quality designs and drawings on a regular basis.


Cost: Plotters can be expensive, especially for larger or more advanced models. This can make them prohibitive for smaller businesses or individuals.

Maintenance: Plotters require regular maintenance, including cleaning and replacing parts, to keep them functioning properly. This can be time-consuming and costly.

Noise: Some plotters can be quite loud, which can be disruptive in a quiet workspace.

Space requirements: Plotters can be large and require a dedicated workspace, which can be a challenge for smaller businesses or home offices.


Plotters can be a valuable tool for businesses and individuals who need to produce high-quality designs and drawings. However, they require an investment of time and money to maintain and can be a challenge for those with limited space or budget.


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